23 Ağustos 2010 Pazartesi

afraid of people.

Yeni dizimiz Rizzoli & isles de ölülerden korkan bir dedektif bulunmakta, gene ölüyü görünce kusmaya gider ve:
Frost: Korsak's calling me b. b. K... Barf bag kid. Crowe's leaving plastic puke everywhere.
Isles: You're not the first detective to be sickened by death. You just have to find your morgue legs.
Frost:I read a study that said people can conquer this kind of thing with repeated exposure. Like when you're afraid of dogs or flying.
Isles: Immersion therapy. Very effective. It worked for me.
Frost: What were you afraid of?
Isles: People. Live ones. She'll never judge me, tease me. And I can help her.
I can speak for the dead.
Dizi notu: Isles alışılmış adli tıp doktorlarından değil, gördüğü her canlıya teşhis koyma hastalığı var, bu yüzden pek 'ısınılan' bir tip değil çevresinde.. Orijinal bir karakter.. Tavsiye ettim gitti.

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